Activities and Result

WP 12 - TEDxRoma dissemination events

Leader: Infinity Edge

Dissemination event at TEDxRoma according to the TedxRomaSalon format, in live streaming in Berlin and Barcelona.


The specific dissemination events of the FUTURE Project will take place between M16 and M24: one in Rome (Italy) directly organized by the partners of the Infinity Edge project, whereas those in Barcelona (Spain) and in Berlin (Germany) through the business network of Infinity Edge. The event in Rome will be a TEDxRomaSalon, following TED format and streamed all over the world through the TEDx YouTube channel. The program of TEDx is designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to stimulate conversation and connections through local experiences resembling the TED one. The TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently, under the form of free license waived by TED. Their spreading is carried out at local as well as at global level; the videos posted in the platform can be seen by millions of users.

The event, lasting about two hours, will include the participation of four eminent speakers on issues related to the refugees, before an audience of about 600 people. The treated contents will be spread through the TEDxRoma network and the channels of the TEDx community in Italy and abroad and the event will be broadcast in streaming all over the world through TEDx channel on YouTube. The dissemination events will be organized in Barcelona and Berlin and during them the project and the producer will be presented and the FUTURE film will screened.


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