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A film, whose title is “Tumaranké”, protagonist of several national and international festivals; an academic research that shed light on some aspects related to the perception of the migration question; a toolkit collecting the best practices as regards the protection of unaccompanied refugee minors: these are only some of the results achieved by the recently concluded Re-Future European project that was realized by a partnership among European organizations.
Another and most important result must be added to these ones: having contributed to a good and positive integration in Italy of a group of unaccompanied foreign minors. Actually, this was the project’s main objective – which lasted two years – started with a workshop on filmmaking and education to image and that highlighted the great interest paid by the involved minors to learning how to mindfully use mobile phones, which became the tool used to tell about their own daily life and about their stories. The universal language of images is, in fact, the main result to enhance the path of integration in the new community hosting them. A good practice promoting the inclusion of particularly vulnerable subjects, such as minors, kept on consolidating and showed the important and synergic collaboration among the players involved in the project:  European partners from Italy, France, Swede and Turkey, working in the field of cinema production, higher education and research and community service.
The Dugong Films, a video production company, realized the documentary film “Tumaranké”; the AccoglieRete Association, among the first ones in Italy to support and popularize the role of voluntary legal guardian to face the bewilderment of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs), supervised the workshop; an academic research work, instead, was conducted by the Psychology Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO: based on the obtained results some interesting features related to the way the migration question is perceived by a sample of viewers, citizens of the immigrants’ hosting country, could be observed. Actually, the impact of these films on the viewers led to important results as regards the feelings they showed and the attitude of the interviewed people as regards the proposed issues. The research will be presented in the framework of international conferences.
The creative international partnership of RE-FUTURE includes, as well, the following players: Infinity Edge, Pico Films, Shoot&Post, Asi Film and Road Movie. Thanks to the cooperation among the partners involved, they held a the RE-FUTURE Fostering the Integration of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Conference, organized by UNINETTUNO, in the purpose of spreading good practices in the sector of the protection and integration of unaccompanied foreign minors.
The participation of actors coming from governmental and non-governmental institutions having an international profile allowed to disseminate the project at various levels and to share experiences in this sector at European level and specifically in the Euro-Mediterranean Area. The results achieved by the Conference and by the academic research conducted by UNINETTUNO were collected in the toolkit for good practices aimed at the players and stakeholders working in support of immigrants.