THE VOLUNTARY LEGAL GUARDIAN is the only person who is entitled to act legally in lieu of the child parents. They are ordinary citizens, who after being trained offer their help, based on the idea of social parenting and active citizenship. It is a civil society response to the migration crisis.
This new figure embodies a wider approach to legal guardianing. Not only they help the parentless kids with the legal paperwork, but also they solve their problems, they help them with their needs, while being the only authority to safeguard their rights.
The legal guardians are chosen and trained by the Early Childhood supervisor and the regional supervisor authorities. After the training period, a list of legal guardians is created and given to the Juvenile court.

The project partner ACCOGLIERETE, has been the first non-profit organisation to use the legal guardianship practice in order to help the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors URM migration emergency in Sicily. ‘Accoglierete’ acts as a bridge connecting the migration crisis institutions to locals who offer help to foster integration.
To disseminate all over Europe the best practice of URM legal guardianship of Sicilian non-profit organization ‘Accoglierete’.
To implement, create and share a common sensibility on the refugee minors integration topic.
Develop tools and instruments in support of Legal guardianship.