The Toolkit - Section 3

// Technologically-mediated emotions and the attitude towards reception

This section includes some contributions related to the research work carried out by the Psychology Faculty of the Uninettuno University on the general perception of the migration issue and on the emotional impact of the video, made by the young immigrants who participated in the project, on a sample of viewers, citizens of the country of arrival.


Research Activities – Intermediate Report (may 2018)
Prof.ssa Marinella Paciello – Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology, International Telematic University Uninettuno
Prof. Paciello presented the research carried out by the Faculty of Psychology of the Uninettuno University and developed within the project, highlighting some interesting results on the spectators reaction both to the viewing of the videos shot by the minors with their smartphone and on the migration themes.
Research Activities 2 – Affective reactions to FUTURE products (october 2018)